Recipe of the Week: Creamy Chicken and Rice

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We can’t eat perfect 100% of the time. For an indulgent “cheat” dinner that is still far better than grabbing a burger and fries, try this Creamy Chicken and Rice!


1 pack of chicken, cubed

4 TBSP butter, unsalted

1 yellow or white onion

5 cloves garlic (If you prefer a more mild taste, use 2-3 cloves instead)

2 TSP italian seasoning

1 TSP ground black pepper

1 TSP Salt

2.5 cups low sodium chicken broth

1 cup white rice (For a healthier variety, use brown rice instead)

1/2 cup heavy cream

Parmesan and Parsley to taste



  1. Melt the butter in a large pan, and add the onion and garlic. Cook until onion is transparent, or ~ 5 minutes.
  2. Add the cubed chicken and seasonings.
  3. Allow chicken to cook, stirring frequently for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Add broth and rice to the pan, boil, then simmer ~20 minutes (or however long it says on the bag of rice for it to cook, probably between 17-20 minutes).
  5. Once rice is tender and liquid absorbed, stir in the cream, cheese, and parsley.
  6. Enjoy!